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(QB) Rose Sht Assorted (4 Different Colors, No Red Color) 4 Bunches
100 Stems of 4 Assorted Color Roses
Selected Delivery Date: Feb 14, 2020
Qty: 1
Subtotal: $120.99

All your flowers are specially selected from the best available blooms and are delivered absolutely fresh from the fields by Fedex. In order to meet your specific gift-giving needs, we are pleased to offer programs with different types of flowers and intervals. To begin the program, please choose one of our options and select the date of your first delivery. One of the biggest bonuses of the Globalrose V.I.P. Club Program is that flowers for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day would be shipped at the same price. We will send you a schedule of all delivery dates for your approval. Throughout checkout you will have the opportunity to write a gift message for your first delivery. Each monthly gift message thereafter will contain your signature and a reminder that the flowers are part of a monthly gift program.

Globalrose VIP Flower Clubs

Subscription Flower Clubs

VIP Flower Club

The perfect choice for all flower lovers. Choose a 3 month, 6 month, or 12 month program in which each month globalrose will send absolutely fresh a different variety of flower in an assortment of colors.

VIP Rose Club

Your choice of 100 Red Roses or 100 Assorted Colored Roses (4 different colors in each delivery or upgrade for your choice of variety for only $10 more per month)